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Becky Harblin

A trained painter, Becky majored in art and did coursework at San Diego State University. She worked at The New Yorker magazine and several newspapers and trade publications. In recent years Becky has begun not only to paint again, but to sculpt in various mediums, and take photos. She writes nearly daily from her home in rural upstate New York. The poems have been published locally and on the internet on The New Verse News. In September 2012, a book of her poems, Eating the Bread of this World, was published by Glover Publishing. In the last fifteen years Becky has begun to incorporate her studies in Amazonian Shamanism and spirituality into her work in all her art forms. 


Find glimpses into Becky's inspired life and see what she is creating at her Facebook page:


Read Becky's poetry at:


Eating the Bread of this World, is on sale via Glover Publishing in Canton, NY 13617 and can be purchased through

Becky's outdoor sculptures are available at her home.

Night Attractions
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